Hi There!

I built this portfolio really quickly to demonstrate a little of what I love to do... so if there are mistakes or bugs, I appologize! And unfortunately this is not responsive yet either, so you will need to view on a desktop or tablet. Also, you might have to be patient with some of the slides that have videos. They take a while to load. Scroll down to get started!

bretriedel@gmail.com | Digital Product Designer | 616.826.1081

UX & UI Design/Development

Here's a brief overview of some of the UX/UI process that I am competent in.

  • Information Architecture & Requirements Gathering
  • Research & Analytics
  • Site Mapping
  • Journey Mapping
  • Wireframing (Sketch/Adobe XD)
  • Prototyping (Invision)
  • Dev Management (Agile/Pivotal Tracker)
  • UI & Development (JS/SASS/PHP/NODE)


Research & Analytics

Before moving any project into code, I'll test the concept on users, either by remote or in-company means.

I also use user testing on projects that have been around awhile to get an idea of where to imporove the product.

  • Google Analytics gives me and understanding of user flow and large statistical outcomes of sites.
  • Crazyegg is a heatmapping tool that tells where users are clicking and how far they scroll down a page.
  • Usertesting.com and other remote testing services produce instant videos of users who I guide through prototypes and live products. Even better, I sometimes can use the service with my own panel of users for better feedback.
  • Paper prototypes! Because they are awesome and extremely fast.
  • Many more...

Design System Creation & Management

In my current position, I taught the company how to use and maintain design systems through Atomic Design.

UAT & Development Management

I also implemented the Agile workflow for my current company.

Amway Mobile Learning Management

I created a complete app prototype for Amway's LMS system. The deliverables were high fidelity mockups and design files.

Inspired Closets (inspiredclosets.com)

I was UX/UI designer and developer for inspiredclosets.com. Most of the UI and php template development was done by me.

Inspired Closets is a custom WordPress theme developed by a third party agency.

Inspired Garage (inspiredclosets.com/inspired-garage)

I designed and developed this landing page by building a custom WordPress template while using the WordPress API to display content.

The slides show various concepts along with the LIVE version on the site.

ORG and Inspired Closets Dealer Customer Management (login required)

Our dealer network relies on our design tool to create custom closets for their customers. I designed the experience and interface for the design tool along with the customer management tool (Studio).

EasyClosets (easyclosets.com - however, this is a CMS and Marketing has changed it quite a bit)

I was the UX/UI designer for EasyClosets.com website and design tool. The following slides tell a little bit about my design process as well as the designs that I came up with.

I redesigned the product instructions based on user feedback and stakeholder interviews. This led to a new way to dynamically create digital instructions which improves the mobile experience drastically.

I also supported development as well. Django, SASS, HTML5 and JS was heavily employed.

EasyGarage (easygaragestorage.com)

I was the product/UX designer for EasyGarage.com and the design tool. I also supported our IT team in developing the front end UI and email templates.

The brand video on the first slide is my concept as well. I wrote the copy, prototyped the animation, and directed the music score for the composition. You can find the video on the homepage: easygaragestorage.com.

Welree Jewelry (site is no longer available)

I was the web and logo designer for this Silicon Valley startup. The concept was to create a social site for Jewelry designers and followers.

I had no part in the development of the site.